Deutsche Bahn's check-in/be-out service
Article: Make the most of public transport with your smartphone – without having to know anything about fares
07/2022 - Apps featuring DB's innovative check-in/be-out service offer decisive advantages for passengers and the regional and local public transport industry as the digitalisation of public transport enters a new phase.
Check in, get on board, travel: that's how easy it is with the regional and local transport apps Tickin, DB TiMo and Eezy Check-in (Ticket NRW app), which are already being used by certain transport associations.
Absolutely effortless
Using the apps is as easy as it is convenient: once the passenger has downloaded the app for their region onto their smartphone and registered, they simply open the app at the stop and confirm with a swipe that they are ready to go (check-in). The app automatically recognises when the journey is finished (be-out). In addition, the three apps already available are characterised by different services:
Consolidated competence
The apps were developed based on the TRAVIO project, which was launched in 2019 by DB Vertrieb and DB Systel. The goal of the project participants was to capitalise on the widespread use of smartphones in order to promote the digitalisation of rail transport.
"It's time to move on from simulations to real-life customers! All signals on the market are green."

This led to the launch of a new mobile ticketing system. The new system consists of a platform solution that is attractive for public transport authorities and a passenger-friendly check-in/be-out solution in the front end. DB Systel is responsible for developing and programming the apps, while DB Vertrieb provides functional experts and contact with customers.
Deutsche Bahn is collaborating successfully with renowned technology partners such as Axon Vibe, a specialist in the field of smart mobility solutions that has contributed the check-in/be-out technology. The TRAVIO platform went straight to the market: "We decided it was time to move on from simulations and prototypes to real-life customers. All the signals were green," says Berdan from DB Vertrieb.
Unique on the market
The platform's success confirms that this was the right decision. By the end of this year, 31 tariffs are expected to be fully integrated into the platform. The creators of the TRAVIO platform, with the help of which the apps were engineered, are convinced that the Tickin app could be a solution for many transport associations.
"We have a check-in/be-out solution that is absolutely marketable."

This is because the check-in/be-out solution offers a number of advantages, not only for passengers but also for local transport authorities. The apps used to provide the technology can be adapted to the requirements of individual transport providers.
The check-in/be-out solution can be implemented and operated without any special infrastructure at stops or on board vehicles. All of which means a very favourable cost-benefit ratio. "We have a check-in/be-out solution that is absolutely marketable," says Klaus Schlender, Product Owner TRAVIO at DB Systel.
An award-winning solution for the digital future
And the ability to travel on regional and local transport without having to worry about fares, journey times or payment methods is not just a hit with passengers: the Tickin app has also received the "German Innovation Award" as well as the "Railtech Innovation Award" twice.
"This kind of success confirms that our apps are a real source of inspiration," says Barbara Berdan. "We are very confident that our check-in/be-out solution will successfully support the local public transport sector in its digitalisation efforts in the future."