Turning awareness into action when it comes to diversity

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    Diversity is a normal state of affairs

    Article: Turning awareness into action when it comes to diversity

    At DB Systel, we focus on positively integrating the individual strengths and talents of our employees into everyday working life. Every person is unique. This is what we call diversITy.

    All employees bring their talents and strengths to the table. Our job is to create an inclusive framework and working environment to allow these strengths to shine. And that is why we are not fixated on differences or deficits. This approach helps teams to become aware of their own diversity and use it accordingly. We provide our employees with tools and opportunities to promote awareness of diversity in the areas that matter most to them. In this way, we achieve a culture of openness and acceptance. We promote an inclusive framework and working environment for every member of staff: one that should give everyone the opportunity to get involved.

    "We need to talk to the people who are facing problems and challenges on a daily basis and who stand to benefit from developing concrete solutions."

    Sarah Gerwing, Diversity & Inclusion Manager at DB Systel

    We are all different – and we turn this to our advantage

    We promote solutions for a wide range of requirements with our systematic "Diversity & Inclusion Management" and our "DiversITy Network". This is a fluid network of employees from all over the company. Because there is no strategy imposed "from above", everyone is free to become actively involved and should do so. We encourage everyone in the network to play an active part in finding solutions that support effective collaboration in the company. Our broad range of experiences and perspectives generate fresh ideas and initiatives that spontaneously spread and develop beyond the network throughout the entire company.

    DiversITy with a capital IT

    As part of Deutsche Bahn, we are paving the way for the Group's digital future. Our core competencies are digitalisation, technology and IT infrastructure. Teams that are conscious of diversity take diversity into account when developing their products. That's the idea behind "inclusive IT". Product quality, usability and sustainability are just some of the benefits made possible by our diverse range of experiences, viewpoints and skills. This approach allows us to drive forward key issues like inclusion, accessibility and the IT user experience. To the advantage of everyone involved. And that's why we write "DiversITy" with a capital "IT".

    How we practise and promote diversity

    Diversity means considering every point of view

    Having small teams makes it easier to notice and include every voice and viewpoint. This creates opportunities to incorporate and benefit from the diversity at our fingertips.

    Providing information and raising awareness

    We use targeted measures to raise awareness of diversity in committees, initiatives, communities and projects. Diversity management offers support with practical questions on dealing with diversity in an inclusive way. Discussions, workshops, tools and much more offer expertise on specific topics and concerns relating to diversity.

    Accessible for everyone

    We offer central contact points with experienced and well-connected experts on topics ranging from autism and digital accessibility to parenting and transition. On-site and virtual meetings, such as our DiversITy MeetUps and DB Diversity Week, give people opportunities to network and share information and ideas.

    Bringing diversity to life

    Teams, units and clusters can use diversity surveys to identify where they need to take action. Teams can take advantage of offers such as the "DiversITy Toolbox", which is packed with exercises, videos and tools that they can use to identify the strengths, perspectives and skills of individual team members and combine them in a beneficial way. We use communication campaigns to bring the subject of diversity to people's attention, provide information, raise awareness and encourage dialogue and discussion. Our aim is always to promote collaboration for the benefit of the company.