Career stories

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  • Career Stories

    Career stories

    What is it really like to work at DB Systel? Our colleagues report here first-hand: about their roles, their projects and everyday tasks. What motivates and inspires them? What challenges have they overcome? Developers, managers, admins and project experts have their say here. Here you can find out how our teams work together and how our colleagues have developed and reorganised themselves internally. We encourage our colleagues to seize opportunities and pursue their interests. Read here what real DB Systel employees have to say about their work.

    Henrik Scholl und Andreas Beresko (DevOps engineers)

    Working closely together to manage the entire life cycle of an application: how our software developers develop and run solutions together in the DevOps production model, organising themselves and learning all the time. Today we meet Henrik Scholl and Andreas Beresko. 

    Read Henrik's and Andreas' career story

    Bild von Henrik Scholl und Andreas Beresko
    Bild von Henrik Scholl und Andreas Beresko
    Copyright: DB Systel GmbH

    Markus Eifler (penetration tester)

    Markus Eifler helps to keep Deutsche Bahn's IT applications safe and secure. As part of a dedicated cyber security team, he is responsible for organising the security tests that DB Systel uses to test the DB Group's applications, infrastructure and OT components for security vulnerabilities.

    Read Markus' career story

    Markus Eifler hinter einem Laptop sitzend
    Markus Eifler hinter einem Laptop sitzend
    Copyright: DB Systel GmbH

    Laura Hinsch (business engineer)

    Laura is curious and thinks analytically. Combined with her many years of experience as a data expert, this makes her an ideal fit for her role as a business engineer for big data and AI solutions at DB Systel.

    Read Laura's career story

    Laura Hinsch mit Smartphone und Stift in der Hand stehend vor einem Screen
    Laura Hinsch mit Smartphone und Stift in der Hand stehend vor einem Screen
    Copyright: DB Systel GmbH

    Markus Müller (software developer)

    Who makes sure that train passengers always know when they will reach the next stop? We meet a software developer who works on the systems that hundreds of thousands of passengers use every day. 

    Read Markus' career story

    Bild von Markus Müller
    Bild von Markus Müller
    Copyright: DB Systel GmbH

    Carsten Hoffmann (software architect)

    Software architects keep an eye on the big picture and choose the right solutions and structures to achieve an ideal long-term basis for software projects. Today we meet Carsten, who is a developer as well as a software architect.  

    Read Carsten's career story

    Bild von Carsten Hoffmann
    Bild von Carsten Hoffmann
    Copyright: DB Systel GmbH